Friday, March 28, 2014

Great News!

All of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students did a great job on MCAS this week and we are ready to ship the boxes out!  Congrats to our scholars!

And...SPRING IS HERE!  Check out the first flowers to pop on campus!

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Newest MPD "Officer"

The Manchester Police Department will be adding a new "officer" to the force tomorrow.  Officer Archambault has been a long-time friend of MMES and is currently being trained to be a K-9 officer. A police dog will be joining the police force tomorrow to help the MPD do their work.  Officer Archambault reached out to our MMES fifth graders to have them help name the newest member of the police department.  And the winning name is...."KATO!"  Thanks to the MPD for including us and best of luck with the newest member of the force!

Monday, March 10, 2014

PK-4 Yearbook on Sale!

It's time to order Memorial Elementary's Pre-K through Grade 4 yearbook !

As many of you know, this year - in addition to the memorable fifth grade yearbook - Memorial is producing a yearbook designed specifically for children in Pre-K through Grade 4.  This soft cover, black and white yearbook will feature, for each class, (1) individual student portraits, (2) a class photo, and (3) a selection of candid classroom photos provided by your child's teacher.  The yearbooks will also include photos of teachers, administrators, a selection of photos from school-wide events and specials classes, and lastly "autograph" pages so that students can sign their classmates' yearbooks at the end of the year.

The Pre-K through Grade 4 yearbook costs $15.00, and will be distributed to students in June.  All proceeds from the sale of these Pre-K-Grade 4 yearbooks will go to the Memorial PTO.

You may purchase the yearbook online, at the Jostens website by clicking the link below.  (Note: if you plan to order more than one yearbook, read the details at the bottom of this email.)

Link to Josten's order page:

Questions?  Please contact or

To order more than one yearbook:
1. Click on link to Josten's site and then click on "add to cart"
2.  Enter student #1 contact information
3.  Click "continue shopping" above order form
4.  Click 2014 yearbook
5.  Click "add to cart" and enter contact information for student #2

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Grade 5 Fundraiser...

Please consider supporting our grade 5 students as they raise money to spend 4 days learning at Camp Merrowvista.  Two options are below...

1.  Tired of lost gloves, jackets, sports equipment and water bottles? Summer camp is just around the corner- order these great labels and support the 5th grade as they will receive a small percentage on every order.
The special site will stay active until the end of June. But you must order through this link:
Any questions? contact Gail Coote at:


Springtime Student Showcase

Manchester Memorial School invites you and your family to…
Springtime Student Showcase
A calendar of events to showcase the, growth, achievement, and talents of “the greatest students in the world!”

·      “Empty Bowls” – School-wide Art/Community Service/Global Responsibility Evening
o   3.6.14 @ 5:00-7:00 PM @ MMES Cafeteria
o   Join us for an evening to raise funds to end world hunger while showcasing student clay creations (student-designed bowls can be purchased for a minimum donation of $10)
·      “Sing Across America” – Grade 4 Concert
o   4.17.14 @ 1:30 PM @ MMES Auditorium
·      “Student Showcase Night”  - Join us at MMES to enjoy our Art Show, grade-level academic displays, and student work displays from “specials” classes.
o   5.28.14 6:00-7:00 @ MMES Core – more information to follow
·      “Hooray for the USA!”  - Grade 1 Concert
o   5.1.14 @ 1:00 PM @  MMES Auditorium
·      “Hit the Street for Little Feet” – Family and Community 5K Road Race and 1 Mile Fun Run – Walk-in registration available
o   5.3.14 @ 8:00 AM @ MERMHS
·      “A Recorder Concert” – Grade 3 Concert
o   5.22.14 @ 1:30 PM @ MMES Auditorium
·       “MERSD Annual Elementary Spring Concert”  - Chorus and Band Performance
o   5.28.14 @ 7:00 PM @ MERMHS Auditorium
·      “The Great Kapok Tree” – Grade 2 Performance/Play
o   6.10.14 @ 9:30 AM @ “The Kapok Tree – outdoor lawn between A and B wings
·       “The Kindergarten Concert”
o   6.16.14 @ 9:00 AM @ MMES Auditorium
·       “Crossing the Bridge” – Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony
o   6.19.14 @ 6:00 PM @ MERMHS Auditorium

Take a Walk in My Shoes

“Take a Walk in My Shoes”
April 14, 2014
6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Manchester Essex Regional Middle School First Floor Meeting Pod

The Special Education Parent Advisory Council is pleased to offer an evening of conversation to discuss the social and emotional needs of the students in the Manchester Essex community. Our keynote speaker, Sarah Cullen, will share her family's journey and encourage us to find common threads in our unique, personal, sometimes heart-wrenching stories. The discussion will be an incredible opportunity to connect with other parents, caregivers and teachers to enlighten for us the social/emotional challenges that all students face on a daily basis.  
Sarah Cullen is the Family Support Director for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress, where she has overseen the "Parents First Call Program” for over ten years. Sarah will share the story of her two sons with special education needs and the social/emotional impact it has had on her children in their schools and community.

Please RSVP Rosie Read if you are interested in attending the event.
Phone: 978-525-6060