Monday, December 12, 2011

Basketball Mini-court is Open!

THANK YOU MMPTO!  The new mini-basketball court is open for "business!"

Tomorrow is the first day that students in grades 3-5 can use the court at recess time...hooray!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Core Values

Today was a very special day for all of us at MMES.  About a month ago, a group of staff members got together to have a discussion about values.  We brainstormed a list of values that we each hold individually in hopes of arriving at a smaller group of values that we could adopt as our school's Core Values.  We believe that it is important to develop our students' character along with their academic skills.
MMES Core Values:


Hopefully, your child came home today talking about our school-wide meeting that took place this morning.  At this meeting, we introduced the students to the concept of Core Values and introduced "MMES has H.E.A.R.T."  This involved a presentation and skits starring your very own MMES staff!   

Future meetings will focus on one or two of the values.  We will explore the concepts at a deeper level and select certain values to focus on for a period of time.  Classrooms will also explore the concepts in their classroom morning meetings.

In addition, we introduced the concept of "heart slips."  These are a small way for our staff to recognize students who go above and beyond our expectations in demonstrating good examples of our core values.  

We even got creative with our promotion of the core values by making t-shirts for staff and decorating the lobby with the concept.  We will use this concept as a frame of reference as we talk to the children about expectations throughout the school year.  Please feel free to refer to them at home also as you see fit.  A big "Thank You" goes out to all of the staff members who worked together to develop and implement the core values concept.  It is going to be a great thing for our school climate and culture!

Monday, November 7, 2011


The past 10 calendar days have been remarkable for the MMES community!  We have come together as a large, "extended family" to share in the joy of making MMES the BEST learning environment for our students.  It has been a team effort that makes me feel proud to be a part of this "family!"

Last week, we had countless parent volunteers who worked tirelessly to coordinate and orchestrate our annual school book fair.  It was amazing to see the folks who put in so many hours to make the book fair a huge success!  Thank you to Abby Levendusky for the time and energy that she dedicated to the book fair.  Her dedication was truly remarkable!

We also celebrated our annual Spaghetti Supper last week.  We had two seatings that were both sold out!  It was a great event where families took time out of their busy schedules to support our efforts at MMES.  The funds raised will go to special projects and to ensure that ALL children have access to ALL programs and events at MMES.  It was so nice to see so many people come out to support us!  Thank you to Vicki Cawley and Sarah Riehl for putting on a wonderful meal along with Lillian Muse from our kitchen.

The culmination of the unofficial "MMES Community Week" took place on Saturday morning.  A number of families and staff members met on the lawn in front of the Kindergarten wing to expand our concept of "Authentic Experiential Learning" at MMES.  The project was to build four raised vegetable garden beds for our students to explore as they learn science, mathematics, and visual arts concepts/skills.  A couple of pictures of "the crew" are below:

It was heartwarming to see so many good people come together in a "barn raising" format to test the age-old saying that many hands make light work.  In a few short hours, highlighted by new friendships and many laughs, a final product emerged that was beautiful on many levels:

Thank you to The Cressey Family for their donation of compost delivery from their greenhouse (E. Cressey and Son of Rowley, MA).  In addition, thank you to the Villa and Larson family for coordinating the event and to the MMESPTO for supporting their efforts.  Special thanks goes out to:
-The Adams Family
-The Costello-Tra Family
-The Cox-Stavros Family
-The Cronin Family
-The French Family
-The Morgese Family
-The Schmidt Family
-The Zshau Family
-The MERSD Facilities Department
My apologies if I missed anyone who helped to make this happen on Saturday.  It was a true team effort.

From my perspective, the best part of the past ten days has been getting to know many new people that I don't get to see every day.  It has been great to connect with all of you...thank you for your support!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Childhood Memories

The fall was always a special time for me as a child.  My birthday is in the fall. I played my favorite sport (soccer) in the fall.  I LOVED watching football with my father in the fall.  Spending this fall on the North Shore has been very special for me and my family as we have enjoyed many wonderful fall activities.  These activities have brought such an amazing feeling of nostalgia to me that was capped off by the remarkable actions of two of our students.

When I was in 6th grade, a friend of mine and I started a "neighborhood landscape company."  This was my first opportunity to learn about business, budgeting, saving, and true hard work.  When I opened my email on Tuesday morning, I was greeted by this picture:

Two of our students, Nathan and Connor Duda told me a few weeks ago that they were starting a "neighborhood landscape company" of their own and wanted to volunteer to spruce up the school grounds.  On their own time, they came to MMES and took care of some of our undesirable vegetation ("weeds").  I was so impressed by the efforts of these boys that I felt compelled to recognize them in the blog.  Their act of community service should be commended!

This story reminded me of the great times that I had when I was a child growing up in Norfolk, Massachusetts.  Thank you to the North Shore and the Duda Boys for bringing back fond childhood memories.

Thank you to all of you who are planning to come out this Sunday to help spruce up the grounds even more!  Unfortunately, I have a commitment on Sunday, but I do appreciate your efforts and support of MMES!

PS...The first Funnel Ball was installed this week...check it out if you have a chance this weekend!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Coming Soon!

Just a quick post today to highlight some coming attractions at MMES:

-FISH were added to the aquarium this weekend!  When children arrived to school today, there were a few fish swimming around in our lobby...very exciting!  The fish even had their "blue shirts" on for "Stomp out Bullying" day.  We have also added a computer monitor in the lobby that displays pictures, information, and graphs about what is happening in the aquarium.  Currently, a slide show is playing with graphs showing the change in different levels over time (pH, Ammonia, Nitrite).  It has been great to see individual students and some classes accessing the aquarium as a learning tool (see pic below)!

August 2011:

September 2011:

-PLAYGROUND - Thanks to the generosity of our PTO (and your donations), we have put an order in for two new basketball backboard systems and two "funnel ball" games.  The basketball nets will be installed on the grades 3-5 blacktop and the funnel balls will be installed on the K-2 play area.  As an added activity, we experimented with painting a miniature football field on the grade 3-5 grass.  It turned out to be a bit too small, but the kids are enjoying it just the same (Thanks to Joe Lucido).

Funnel Ball:
New Outdoor Basketball System:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aquarium Newsletter #1

Authentic Experiential Learning

The staff at MMES and I have been talking about different ways to make MMES a uniquely amazing elementary school.  Beyond standardized test scores, how do we make MMES a school that stands out above the rest?  One idea that we are currently exploring is "On-campus Authentic Experiential Learning." In other words, "field trips" that do not require a bus to take children off campus to visit unique learning sites.  We began wondering if we could establish the resource of some unique learning tools that go far above and beyond textbooks, ipads, and interactive boards.  Our first exploration of this topic was first viewed by the entire MMES community at our Open House:

Authentic Experiential Learning: Salt Water Aquarium

1.   To provide students and teachers with an authentic experiential learning tool that can be connected to multiple disciplines (enrichment).
2.   To improve the culture and climate of the school building by improving the aesthetics of the main lobby (beautification).

Authentic Experiential Learning
(Long-term Goal Potentials)
Staff members can work in grade-level and department teams to develop a binder of lesson plans centering around the aquarium:
-A parent volunteer “docent” could meet with grade levels to explain the science behind the aquarium environment.

-Students in specialist subjects (art, music, PE, library, technology) could access the aquarium for learning opportunities (ie. PE Creative Dance Unit).

-Students in academic subjects could access the aquarium for learning opportunities (ie. graphing changes in water properties, etc.).

-Authentic academic learning opportunities can be developed for ELA, Math, Science, etc.

-After-school science enrichment clubs can access the aquarium to learn about scientific concepts at a deeper and more sophisticated level.  This could involve simple maintenance, life cycles, and water testing.  

  Culture and Climate - Beautification
(Short-term Goal Potentials) 
-The aquarium has immediately improved the climate and energy in the school.  Children are very excited to learn about the life in the aquarium.

- The aquarium has immediately improved the welcoming feel as people enter the school through the main lobby.

-The aquarium is very soothing and calming, which will be great tool for our students who may need an occasional movement break.

-Donations to expand the sea life in the aquarium and for maintenance could be accepted in lieu of birthday treats or to commemorate other special occasions.

In addition to our staff brainstorming ideas of ways to integrate this learning tool into our curriculum, our parent and community partners Yorgos Gregory and Tim Kirk have been working to develop school-wide curriculum connections and extensions.  They have worked to develop a newsletter to update the MMES community as the aquarium develops from an empty 240 gallon tank to a simulated ocean environment with a myriad of living things!  They have also worked to develop lessons and information about the tank for children, staff, and parents to explore.  These items will be displayed in the lobby to make the space an interactive learning environment.

The formal "unveiling" of the aquarium will take place tomorrow at lunchtime.  Yorgos and Tim will meet with all grade levels to explain to them the science behind the question of "When are the fish coming?"  At this point, the ecosystem in the tank is establishing so that we can introduce fish and other living things!  

This is a very exciting project for MMES!  I would like to thank Imagine an Ocean of Beverly, MA for their generosity in donating their time, expertise, and equipment.  We are also working with them to establish smaller, satellite tanks in a fourth and fifth grade classroom.  If you would like to support the project in any way, please contact Tim Kirk at .

Stay tuned as we look at other ways to create Authentic Experiential Learning at MMES!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Reflections

Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on a very successful opening of school at MMES!  It was wonderful to meet all of you at our Open House last week.  It was inspiring to see all of your children so proud to show off their school and their classrooms.  As you know, we have been working hard to implement changes at MMES that will improve your child's educational experience.  We have also implemented changes that have established routines and procedures to maximize safety and respectful behavior at MMES.  To that end, I would like to thank the staff for consistently going above and beyond for your children.  I would also like to thank all of you who have taken the time to affirm the work we are doing with your words of support.  If we are to take this wonderful school to the level of a GREAT school, it will take support from staff, parents, and the community.  I thank you for welcoming me into your school community.

That being said, change is difficult for humans.  It is uncomfortable.  It is what makes us BETTER than we were.  I shared a quote with the staff at our opening staff meeting, "The day you are satisfied with your performance is the day you stop improving."  We are working as a team to constantly be better than we were the day before.

I came across an article this morning about the changes that, as parents, we watch our children go through.  September is a month that brings many changes to our children as we transition to the next school year.  Right before our very eyes, they grow almost exponentially.  If you have 3 minutes to read the article, I promise you it is worth it!

When I read an article like this, I am humbled by the author's ability to capture this snapshot of life in words.  It reminds me that although change is not easy, it is what takes us to the next level.  It is an honor for the staff and I to be a part of your child's growth and development while they are here with us at MMES.  They are in good hands!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Staff Mission

During the last few days of your child's summer vacation, our staff was working hard to prepare a great year for your child at MMES.  An important part of this work was to create a common mission statement that captured why we do the work that we do.  I was very impressed with the educators that work with your children in the classroom every day.  Our staff mission is...

The mission of the Manchester Memorial Staff is to inspire a love of learning and discovery in all students while establishing a culture of high standards, professional collaboration, and creative instruction in order to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the children whom we are honored to educate every day.

This is just a small glimpse into our school and the values that all MMES staff members have in common.  This mission will bond us as we work together to create an optimal learning environment for your sons and daughters.

I am looking forward to meeting you this year and working on behalf of your child(ren).  I hope to see many of you at the first PTO meeting of the year on September 23rd at 8:45 AM.  We have some great and new ways for you to get involved at MMES!  

Educationally yours,

John Willis

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have fabulous news for the MMES Community!  I have been working with Belmont Springs and our facilities director (Joe Lucido) to have 4 water purification systems installed throughout the building.  This will provide "on-demand" cold, filtered drinking water for our students, staff, and guests to enjoy.  There will be 4 units (similar to the one donated in the lobby last year, but a slightly different model) in the following locations:

1.  Main Lobby
2.  Nurse's office 
3.  B Wing Hallway
4.  Staff Room

Through the state bid pricing, we will be able to install these systems for the same amount of money annually that our PTO was paying for bottled water.  As a result, the PTO has very GENEROUSLY supported the idea of having 4 "on-demand," filtered water stations in lieu of the bottled water stations.

There is a great deal of brain research that supports children being well hydrated during the school day.  As children (and adults) begin to get dehydrated, their cognitive function can be impaired.  By ensuring that our children are properly hydrated, we can maximize their learning throughout the school day.

As you prepare your child to rejoin us at MMES, please acquire a reusable water bottle for them as we will not be distributing paper cups (think "green").  All of the traditional water bubblers will also be in use.

Thanks to the PTO and Mrs. Lai for their ideas and support!


John Willis

Open House Announcement


Manchester Memorial Elementary School
“Back-to-School Open House”

PK-5 Families are invited to come “back-to-school” on the evening of September 14th to visit our AMAZING school.  This evening will follow a traditional Open House format which will allow you to visit your child(ren)’s classrooms and the rest of our building.  Be sure to visit our new PK classroom and our new library/technology center.  Welcome back to Memorial!

Date:  9.14.11    
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM (please plan to arrive before 7:00 to have ample time to visit with us)

This is an event for PK-5 students and their parents.  We respectfully request that younger (and older) siblings not attend.  In this way, the night will be special for your MMES child.

*Carpooling and remote parking is encouraged and appreciated very much!  Thank you!
For more information:
  Cindy Dodge 978.526.1908

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Change is a challenging thing for all those involved.  Although we can recognize that eventually the change will bring us to a higher and greater place, the change process can be very unsettling for many people.  MMES is in the process of many changes, and I would like to communicate and reflect on some changes to our physical plant that are taking place at MMES this summer.  I am very excited about the potential that these changes will bring to our school!

1.  The library has been relocated to a newly renovated space adjacent to the computer lab.  This space has been redesigned and remodeled to provide a place for children to engage in research and activities using both text and electronic media.  The library and computer programs will work hand-in-hand to prepare our students for the expectations of a world that is rich with digital and text media.  An exciting addition to these spaces will be ipads and new computer stations!

2.  The former library space is being converted to a dynamic preschool teaching and activity space.  Modifications to the room and outdoor play space will allow children to have developmentally appropriate learning and gross motor space (indoors and out).

3.  I have been monitoring class sizes with central administration in regard to our district class size benchmarks.  I am happy to report that MMES has been fortunate enough to maintain four sections for grade 2 and increase grade 3 to four sections.  This will address significantly higher than benchmark class sizes.  Additionally, in grade 4, we will be implementing a teaching assistant to reduce class size during academic lessons.   This will enable our teachers to increase the amount of small-group instruction during lessons.  This teaching assistant may also be available to other grades as needed and as schedules allow.  As a result, I am very pleased with the small class sizes we are able to offer our students in 2011-2012.

4.  Our custodial and maintenance staff have been working hard to make changes to the school that will increase the efficiency of our organization and increase safety for our students.  In addition, they have been tirelessly cleaning, waxing, and painting the interior and exterior of the building so that your children feel proud and motivated to learn and grow with us this year at MMES.

As you can see, we have been very busy at MMES this summer.  I extremely proud of the talented new staff we have selected to join our team.  These educators are committed to our goal of making MMES the BEST school for your children!  

I want to thank all of you for your patience regarding classroom placement notification.  You can expect to receive a letter in the mail next week announcing your child's teacher.  The staff has considered all factors and placed every child in an environment where they know the child with thrive both academically, socially, and developmentally.

If you have not had a chance to respond to my parent survey, please take a moment to share your ideas by clicking on the link below:

As we draw closer to the opening of school, I will update this blog with photos of the new teaching/learning spaces so that you can share the photos with your children.  


John J. Willis

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Welcome to the official blog of Manchester Memorial Elementary School Administration.  Be sure to click on the link on the right to follow via email to get notifications of updates to this blog.