Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Reflections

Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on a very successful opening of school at MMES!  It was wonderful to meet all of you at our Open House last week.  It was inspiring to see all of your children so proud to show off their school and their classrooms.  As you know, we have been working hard to implement changes at MMES that will improve your child's educational experience.  We have also implemented changes that have established routines and procedures to maximize safety and respectful behavior at MMES.  To that end, I would like to thank the staff for consistently going above and beyond for your children.  I would also like to thank all of you who have taken the time to affirm the work we are doing with your words of support.  If we are to take this wonderful school to the level of a GREAT school, it will take support from staff, parents, and the community.  I thank you for welcoming me into your school community.

That being said, change is difficult for humans.  It is uncomfortable.  It is what makes us BETTER than we were.  I shared a quote with the staff at our opening staff meeting, "The day you are satisfied with your performance is the day you stop improving."  We are working as a team to constantly be better than we were the day before.

I came across an article this morning about the changes that, as parents, we watch our children go through.  September is a month that brings many changes to our children as we transition to the next school year.  Right before our very eyes, they grow almost exponentially.  If you have 3 minutes to read the article, I promise you it is worth it!

When I read an article like this, I am humbled by the author's ability to capture this snapshot of life in words.  It reminds me that although change is not easy, it is what takes us to the next level.  It is an honor for the staff and I to be a part of your child's growth and development while they are here with us at MMES.  They are in good hands!