My name is Remsen Demeo and I am the Principal for the Day today. I had a great day at the PTO meeting, observing my teacher, and making some really cool decisions. One of the best parts was having a hot chocolate to kick off the workday. Another thing that was cool was wearing a badge that got me in and out of the school building like the teachers!
One of the decisions I made was to have two fun dress up days next week. Information is below…
Monday, June 16th will be SPORTS DAY! Everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite sports team jersey or t-shirt to school…even the teachers!
Wednesday, June 18th will be OPPOSITE DAY at school. This means that the teachers will dress as students and the students will dress up as teachers!
I hope to see all of the kids and staff dressed up next Monday and Wednesday!
Remsen Demeo
MMES Principal for the Day