Wednesday, September 24, 2014

From our friends at Spaulding...

A Night of Stars
Sunday, November 23rd Shows at 4pm and 5:30pm Manchester Essex High School Auditorium
PRESENTS The 6th Annual
Share your talents!
All MERSD students and school-age children are invited to audition!
Be part of the Show!
Bands, singers, musicians, dancers, magicians, comedians, dramatic performances are all welcome!
Auditions will also be held for the role of Master of Ceremonies!
To schedule an audition visit our website at:
and click on the “Schedule an Audition!” button
Tickets will go on sale at our website after October 20th
Audition dates and times:
Saturday, October 18th from 9-11am Wednesday, October 22nd from 4:30-7pm

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Night of Stars...from our friends at Spaulding Fund!

Mark your calendars and start to GET YOUR ACT's together!  Spaulding Education Fund's Annual NIGHT OF STARS will be on Sunday, November 23, 2014!

Audition dates will be announced next week, so be on the look out and start practicing that dancing, singing, juggling, instruments, magic acts, dramatic dialog, multi media presentations, the spoons… whatever your talent we want to see it!   Students from Manchester and Essex, as well as choice students in the Manchester Essex Regional School District, who are Kindergarteners through High School Seniors are invited to audition.

This year's Night of Stars will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Spaulding Education Fund opening doors to excellence in Manchester Essex Public Schools.  (

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

From my travels...

Today is a coaching day for me at school.  On coaching days, I spend the day working with teachers and far my favorite day of the week!  On my travels, I saw this great bulletin board outside the art room.  It said, "Art is..."  Some ideas of note...

Art is expressive, creative, relaxing!
Art is messy!
Art is creative!  (This was very popular)
Art is a beautiful array of lines, shapes, dots, and colors!
Art is stress free!
Art is a thing where there are no mistakes!

I would say that they "get it!"

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bike Safety!

Thanks to the DPW, MPD, SRTS, MFD, B&P Committee, Seaside Cycles, and especially John Carlson, for pulling together a great bike and pedestrian safety day!  It was great to see  all of the town departments pulling together to make it happen.  The kids had a blast and learned some really great lessons!  I am looking forward to the SRTS construction project and crossing guards (fingers crossed) to make our local area a little more bike/walk friendly.  If you know of any retirees who would be willing to serve as a crossing guard, please contact John Carlson or myself directly.

Again, a big success and THANKS to all who pitched in!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bike Rodeo...FYI

From the Manchester Bike/Pedestrian Committee:

There will crossing guards at the following intersections to assist your child to bike/walk to school on September 4th, the day of the Bike Rodeo/Skills Course and helmet/bicycle safety check (please see below).  The crossing guards will be at the intersections from 7:45 am to 8:30 am. They will not be there in the afternoon. 

  • Pleasant/School/Arbella 
  • Summer/Lincoln 
  • Lincoln/Vine (crosswalk by bridge) 
  • Lincoln/School 
  • Walker/Pine/Pleasant