Mark your calendars and start to GET YOUR ACT's together! Spaulding Education Fund's Annual NIGHT OF STARS will be on Sunday, November 23, 2014!
Audition dates will be announced next week, so be on the look out and start practicing that dancing, singing, juggling, instruments, magic acts, dramatic dialog, multi media presentations, the spoons… whatever your talent we want to see it! Students from Manchester and Essex, as well as choice students in the Manchester Essex Regional School District, who are Kindergarteners through High School Seniors are invited to audition.
This year's Night of Stars will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Spaulding Education Fund opening doors to excellence in Manchester Essex Public Schools. (
Audition dates will be announced next week, so be on the look out and start practicing that dancing, singing, juggling, instruments, magic acts, dramatic dialog, multi media presentations, the spoons… whatever your talent we want to see it! Students from Manchester and Essex, as well as choice students in the Manchester Essex Regional School District, who are Kindergarteners through High School Seniors are invited to audition.
This year's Night of Stars will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Spaulding Education Fund opening doors to excellence in Manchester Essex Public Schools. (