Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Open House Announcement


Manchester Memorial Elementary School
“Back-to-School Open House”

PK-5 Families are invited to come “back-to-school” on the evening of September 14th to visit our AMAZING school.  This evening will follow a traditional Open House format which will allow you to visit your child(ren)’s classrooms and the rest of our building.  Be sure to visit our new PK classroom and our new library/technology center.  Welcome back to Memorial!

Date:  9.14.11    
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM (please plan to arrive before 7:00 to have ample time to visit with us)

This is an event for PK-5 students and their parents.  We respectfully request that younger (and older) siblings not attend.  In this way, the night will be special for your MMES child.

*Carpooling and remote parking is encouraged and appreciated very much!  Thank you!
For more information:
  Cindy Dodge 978.526.1908