Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grade 5 Update for 2012-2013

Our fifth graders are in store for a great year this year!  Mrs. Machain, Mr. McDonough, and Mrs. Tomaiolo have some great ideas in store for our "senior scholars!"  I have begun conversations with the students about the fact that they are the "big brothers" and "big sisters" in our "family" now!  With this comes great responsibility and honor.  They are now our role models for our younger students, and I know this class will be nothing short of amazing!

In addition to their academic work, the grade will have many fun and memorable events to mark the last year of their elementary school experience.  The students will travel to New Hampshire for our annual trip to Camp Merrowvista (June 4-7) and will work as a team to fundraise for the trip throughout the year.  Our annual fifth grade play will take place this winter led by director and coordinator Mrs. Tyler Wood.  The year will be celebrated with our Second Annual "Crossing the Bridge" ceremony at MERMHS on June 19th...mark your calendars!  If you are interested in helping out with any of our grade 5 events, please contact Sue Pick at suepick1@me.com.

Being sensitive to the class size in grade 5 this year (26-26-27), I was able to successfully advocate for retaining the grade-wide teaching assistant model that we had in place last year in grade 4.  Mrs. Flood looped up with the students and has helped the children transition smoothly to grade 5.  She was able to give the grade 5 teachers the "users manual" for each student before the school year even started.  She will work with children in small groups to "artificially" lower the class size during ELA and Mathematics lessons this school year.  This model worked out beautifully last year, and the students really benefited from the extra support throughout the year.

I am really excited for all that the year has to offer for our fifth-grade students...it is going to be a great one!  Here is a sneak peek of the Activity Center at Camp Merrowvista: