Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MMES Buzz...

School Photo Day
Recently, MMES had its annual school photo day.  Outdoor, natural shots were taken near the back playground and group class photos followed.  It was great to see everyone in their "Sunday best!"  A special thank you goes out to all of the parents who helped organize this busy day.

MCAS Results are IN!
MMES received the parent reports for MCAS this week, and they were mailed out to families today.  Check your mailbox for the results and remember to keep things in perspective should your child ask about their results.  Encourage them and focus on all of the positive growth they have made over the past few years.  If you have questions about the results, our teachers and adjustment counselor are happy to sit with you and review your child's performance.  

Here is a shot from school photo day...a student getting a little help with the necktie!