Thursday, January 23, 2014

Parenting Your Shy or Introverted Child...

MMPTO Presents….

Parenting Your Shy or
Introverted Child

Thurs., Jan. 30, 7-8:30pm
MMES Auditorium

Do you have a quiet child, one who is slow to warm up to other people, if at all? Would your child rather be alone in his bedroom than play ball outside?  Do sudden transitions cause your child to meltdown? Does your child cling or hover in large groups?  For many parents, the shy or introverted child presents a particular challenge.

In this interactive seminar and Q&A, we will discuss:
·       the nature of introversion as a normal and healthy personality trait
·       the challenges and the joys of raising a shy or introverted child
·       the strengths and gifts hidden in your child’s introversion
·       how to help our kids develop healthy self-esteem as well as effective social skills

Psychotherapist Jason E. Smith will discuss how understanding your child’s introverted nature can help you and your child find greater enjoyment and satisfaction in their growth and development.