Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Morning Arrival

Reminder and Request from MMES Staff:

Please note that arrival time begins at 8:10 AM.  This means that parents can drop students off as early as 8:10 AM.  In addition, Manchester Parks and Recreation offers a great option for earlier dropoff called "Morning Gym" where children can play games in the gym or opt for more relaxed activities (ie. reading, board games, etc.).

Students arriving after 8:25 are considered and recorded as tardy.  I ask for everyone's help in making sure that all students arrive to school on time.

When students arrive late for school, they miss extremely important instructional time.  Our lessons begin promptly when the school day begins and being tardy even five minutes a day can cause a student to miss well over 15 hours of instructional time by the end of the year.

Perhaps as important is the disruption to the classroom that happens when a student arrives late for school.  This disruption interrupts the learning of their classmates as the tardy student transitions into the classroom.

Please consider setting alarm clocks 10-15 minutes earlier if your child is typically a "later" arriver.  It would be great if folks shoot to arrive at school closer to 8:10/8:15 as we have staff on duty at 8:10 to greet children.  If you like avoiding lines of traffic, those who arrive at 8:10 will tell you that you will see minimal traffic at that time.

Thank you so much for your help in this matter as we work together to provide the best education possible for your children.

John Willis