Friday, November 1, 2013

MMES Book Drive...Update!

Thank you to the Parkins Family who were our first donors of gently used books for our MMES book drive!  They brought in three huge bags of books that will be sorted and handed out to our classroom libraries to give students even more titles to choose from!  Pass the word to your friends...if you have any gently used, unwanted children's books (chapter books or picture books), please send them in for us to repurpose in our classrooms.  There is a bin in the lobby marked "MMES Book Drive" for you to drop them off.  Thanks so much!

I was able to dip into our newly developed volunteer pool to find a parent who has volunteered to label and sort the books based on their guided reading level.  One of parents has worked in the past as a reading teacher and has been hard at work organizing the books that have been sent in.  A big thank you goes to Petra Wilkes for sharing her time and knowledge with us!

If you missed the link to put your name in our volunteer pool, here it is:

Thanks to all of you who have volunteered to help us out at MMES!